Our latest currency report shows we have a lot of pretty good news to share with you. Not all the currencies dropped against the pound though. Where did it perform well and badly over the course of the week?
Difficult Times Ahead for the British Pound
That ominous title should give you an idea of what to expect this week. Our report gives the details but they make sobering reading if you were hoping the British pound would provide some good results.
Impressive Rates to Be Seen for the British Pound This Week
This week would be a memorable one for the British pound. Our results were healthier than they have been recently and this was definitely something to celebrate, as you will see here.
Would a Struggle Be On the Cards for the Pound?
This week would be another tough week for the British pound. However, would we have a really tough week or would we be able to rectify matters by the time Friday night arrived?
Ups and Downs Were the Order of the Day Last Week
Sometimes the British pound isn’t able to put on a strong performance throughout a single week. This week it was definitely all about the ups and downs and how they would bring us to the final result of the week.
Reasonable Results in Most Quarters for the British Pound
This would prove to be a better week than some we have seen in the past. Find out more now and see how well the pound managed to do. Would we sweep the board with a range of good results?
Gradual Improvements for a Shorter Week
We had some small results to share for last week, when the second four day week for Easter was seen on the currency markets. Hopefully we’d enjoy some good results as a consequence.
Four Days of Drama on the Currency Markets
You don’t always need a five day week to wring every last drop of drama out of the currency markets. This would be proven correct this week as the British pound went up against some major currencies.
Some Good Some Bad – The Story of This Week
Sometimes the currency markets are harder than others for the British pound. This week would be a real mix of results, so which areas did the pound do well in – and where did it struggle?
How Would the Pound Fare This Week?
Here we are again to see how the British pound would get on as it finished in March and moved on into April on the currency markets. Would we start as we meant to go on with some good results?