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Great Reasons Why Our Currency Converter is the Best

No two currency converters are ever exactly the same. This is good in one way because it means you can check out a wide range of them to find out which one you like the most. We might be able to save you some time here too, because our converter packs in some of the best features you could hope for in this particular tool. Keep reading to find out what they are.

No learning curve

Most things have a learning curve, don’t they? But this doesn’t apply to our currency converter and we’ve included no real instructions with it either – other than a simple sentence before you use it. We’re pretty sure you won’t need to do anything other than skim that sentence though, because the converter is completely self explanatory. We know you want the conversion, not a long explanation on how to get it. So that is what we have provided for you.

Everything in alphabetical order

There is nothing worse than scrolling through dozens of currencies with no real order in how they are listed. We haven’t got time to look through all kinds of listings like this in the vague hope of finding what we need. That’s why we have provided an easy to look through list you will love returning to time and time again.

Our list is in alphabetical order so you know instantly where everything should be. In case you need it, we have added the currency code too (you’ll see it with its three letters). Don’t worry though: you don’t need to know these codes to find what you need. All you have to do is to type in the first few letters of the country whose currency you want to use. If you need the Euro, just key in E and U and it should pop up before you need to do anything else. As you can see, this is supremely easy and very appealing when you’ve got a quick calculation you want to do.

All the most popular currencies exactly where you need them

When you use our converter you won’t be stuck without the currencies you need. We have all the main ones here of course, such as the various dollars from around the world, not to mention the British pound and of course the Euro. You won’t be left searching for the main currencies, this much is certain.

Of course we wouldn’t leave you without all the other currencies either, so we have added in plenty of other lesser known ones you may not be familiar with. This means whenever you need them, they will be here for you.

Three easy steps – that’s all there is to using our calculator

You’ll be pleased to hear there is no complex process to think about here when it comes to using our converter. We’ve ensured you only have to enter three pieces of information to be able to get the figures you want.

The first thing you need to do is decide on the amount you want to convert. The default is in the box already but you can easily change it. The next step is to select the currency you already have. If for example you use the British pound and you want to find out how many US dollars £100 will convert into at the current rate, you select the British pound first. The second box will be for your destination currency – the one you are going to convert to. In this case it will be the US dollar. When all three pieces of information required have been entered, just hit the button to get the information you want.

Not only do we provide the conversion rate you have been looking for, we also give you the exchange rate as it currently stands. You can click one button to make a new calculation too – you’ll see it on the right hand side. Whatever you want to work out and whichever currencies you want to use, you can see how easy it is to get the results you really want. Our converter is quick, easy and very efficient and user friendly too.

Currency Converter

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